Backup Your Life
LifeBank is the most simple and secure way to store your personal information and records, now and into the future.

What is LifeBank?
We’re here to simplify the way you store, access and keep track of your most important personal details and documents. LifeBank keeps everything in one place, where it’s safe and encrypted.

What can I store on LifeBank?
You can use LifeBank to store, access and keep track of any personal detail or record you can possibly think of.
From passwords and PINs, through to travel, health and financial information, LifeBank will keep your data right at your fingertips — safely and securely.

Ready? A one-time fee lets you use LifeBank forever.
USB key with LifeBank SOFTWARE: $120 AUD + GST
When you purchase the USB key, it’s completely portable — use it on any computer you like.
DOWNLOAD Software: $90 AUD + GST
This allows LifeBank to be downloaded directly to your computer or laptop and is not portable (for security purposes).